Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Folkfest 2004

That's what you'll look like if you hang out with Lucia and me long enough......

hier is de twin picture

allemaal een beetje anders, door wie is deze foto genomen?

op de eiffeltoren

Weet je nog wel?
I had my wallet stolen too that day.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Wie is dat?

Is dat Lucia? Nee hoor, it's her spawn, Colin. aged 17.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

nog een fotootje

Here's a picture of the Scotts in Smerdiek (op visite by Ellie en Peter. Hartstikke leuk hoor)

So that's Aron (21) on the left, then Wayne, Natalie (16), and Sylvia.

pictures of cousins

Adam (19) is on the right and Aron (21) on the left.

I'd like to see some pictures of Paul's kids too. So Paul, get some pictures up, would you? I haven't seen any for a long time. Our kids are so close in age.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Okay... let's try a picture - this should be of Moi turning 50...

Keep your fingers crossed...

Ain't she pretty?

I'm not worthy... I'm not worthy...

In the background is brian (16) and his (then) girlfriend

Let's try another one.... See, it goes bonkers again. One picture per post, eh?

Okay guys! Paultje de Boskabouter is blogging.

If Oehoeboeroe, Eukalypta and Salomon only knew!

I was going to add some pictures but the page started acting funny, so I will try again later


Saturday, September 17, 2005

this picture was from Ma and she wrote on it "7 kleinkinderen".
Where was this taken, and who all is in the picture? I think that is Monica bottom row secone from right.


I deleted Ben's memories, I think we all read them, time for some new memories Ben!

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Julian is 1

Here is a picture of Julian on his first birthday (August 10, 2005).

He seems to be dwarfed by his amazing cake.

He is really walking now... He always wants us to put him down.


Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Alle poppen moeten slapen

Thanks for sending us all the "Lillies" (Rebecca's name for her dolls) and the clothes Jobien.

Rebecca and me zijn er heel erg zoet mee geweest vandaag. Vraag maar aan Barbara.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Tante Sylvia

Here's sylvia just testing. This picture was taken on Ben's deck. He brings out the best in me. This is fun, but how do you leave a message for a specific person? Do all the entries get added until you're scrolling down forever to get the latest posting, or does this blogger archive its messages.

Ben Aug 2005

Ben sailing with his evil twin Larry

Monday, September 12, 2005

Who knows?

Who knows more about this picture? When was it taken and why and by whom?

Ben Aug 2005

Here I am in Desolation Sound Aug 2005.
I am trying to get used to this blogging.
I thought I'd try it out, here's Rebecca.


One night before Bernard's wedding and departure to Canada.

Sylvia is not yet born here, but in the picture all the same.


I think I just created this blog that we were all talking about. Now I just have to see how it all works.

Just bear with me.
