Okay... let's try a picture - this should be of Moi turning 50...
Keep your fingers crossed...
Ain't she pretty?
I'm not worthy... I'm not worthy...
In the background is brian (16) and his (then) girlfriend
Let's try another one.... See, it goes bonkers again. One picture per post, eh?
Yes, she is very cute, and so are you. Happy 5oth birthday, eh. And happy 51st already for November 19. Ouwe bok.
I think you look like Grissam van CSI. wat een stuk zeg!!
You guys age very well. hoe doe je dat dan.
You guys used to be all so small.
You scare me.
You turning 50 is an unnatural act. First Narda, and now you. What's next, Lucia turning 50?
Thank God Sylvia has the good sense not to turn 50. At least not in this decade.
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